Brightminds Tuition

At Brightminds Tuition, we pride ourselves in specialising personalised tuition programmes for primary aged children and bringing classroom quality teaching to your home, online or at our private tuition room.

Our tutors are fully qualified, experienced primary school teachers who are up-to-date with the current curriculum expectations across EYFS, KS1 and KS2.

We offer bespoke learning tailored to your child’s needs which will allow them to make the progress needed to achieve their full potential. We help children overcome learning barriers, unlocking whatever is holding them back, so they can feel confident and empowered to become independent learners.

Whether working below the expected standard or striving for greater depth and beyond, our team caters for all children with all abilities including SEN and EAL students. We can provide academic challenges for gifted children and prepare students for statutory exams such as SATs, teaching them techniques to ensure they show their best when under pressure in exam situations.

At Brightminds we are focused on making learning a fun experience, building relationships with both children and carers whilst using our expertise and knowledge to help your child develop academically.

Make the first step by getting in touch to request a free consultation.

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